Marcia gay harden family death

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“Love You to Death” is a fictionalized version of the 2015 murder case of Dee Dee Blanchard. “I felt like I had an incredible mentor and support system on set.”Īlso Read: 14 Music Biopics in the Works After 'Rocketman,' From Elvis Presley to Aretha Franklin (Photos) “It was truly beautiful,” Skeggs told TheWrap’s Thom Geier of Harden’s gesture at a Q&A on Monday following a screening of the tv film that premiered earlier this year. The bond Harden and Skeggs developed over 18 days of filming was similar to the love between a mother and a daughter, but not quite like the duo they portrayed.

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The two leads became so close that when Skeggs fell sick during a long day of shooting, Harden was ready with wine, a cheese spread, and a drawn bath at Skegg’s hotel room. Marcia Gay Harden and Emily Skeggs became inseparable on the set of “Love You to Death,” a Lifetime movie about a protective mother (Harden) who manipulates her daughter (Skeggs) to the brink of violence.

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